Thursday, July 27, 2006

Quick Note

I decided to put all those lists of 25 in one place. I'll still post the new 25 here first, they'll just be kind of archived at the other site. The ego has taken over, I guess. Anyay, the link is on the right, called Every 25. Not that I expect everyone to rush over there and reread everything. It's actually so I'll remember what I wrote!


Betty said...

Good idea. I'm trying to keep from repeating my book reviews. Another list.

F&W said...

That's a great idea.

I'm wondering about the red mom and I also turn red but only with certain wines with certain sulfites. Do you think this is the case with you?

Kell said...

chelle p--probably. Some reds bother me more than others. Actually, I blame my mother--she does the same thing, so I must have inherited it!

Betty said...

Red wine: The winos I know say it is actually an allergy. I turn red, too, but I'm not giving up my Merlot!

Kell said...

Saz--my memory isn't that good. I really should write this stuff down since we try different wines. But I seem to remember Coppala's wines don't make me flush immediately.