I said we had storms, so I thought I'd show you a picture of the front coming over the backyard neighbor's house.

I love storms. My dog and I both would stand outside, facing the wind head on, sometimes being pushed off balance. The neighbors must think I'm crazy.
When I lived in Florida, we had a lagoon with a pier in our neighborhood, so I used to go down there as storms were coming in. I'd stand on the end of that pier, bracing myself against the wind. Then I'd rush back to the house just in time to sit in the chair by the window and listen to the rain.
One more quick thing. It took me a while to find this op-ed piece by David S. Broder of the Washington Post on a website you don't have to register for. But I found it here, at the Houston Chronicle's site. It was in our local paper today and I thought it set out some of the issues at the G-8 Summit pretty well. I found it interesting, thought some of you might, too.
We had a quick storm last night and I had to stand on the porch and watch. When my husband and I were on our honeymoon we were driving through a tiny town in South Dakota. A really big storm rolled in over the mountains. We found a high spot on one of the roads, parked the car and watched it come up over the hills and into the valley. It was my favorite part of our whole trip.
There is an author named Stephen White. He writes a mystery series with a character that is a psychologist. The characters wife has MS. I don't know if someone close to White actually has the disease but he talks a lot about it and how they cope with it as a couple. Recently they had a baby. I know it's not the real world but if you like to read mysteries maybe you should check them out. They are a great read.
Glad you're feeling better today. Do you remember sitting in front of the picture window and watching the storms come in over the mountains? All those streaks of lightning made a spectacular display.
I'm glad you are feeling a little better today.
Storms...uh NO! We don't get much in the way of lightening, but the wind storms are horrible. I'm always terrified one of the cedars will fall on us!
Lots of trees go down...blocking roads, taking down power lines, sometimes hitting the buildings. I don't like 'em!
Cool pic. Living there on the prarie you can watch those storms roll in. Very cool. I love storms.
Newt--thanks for the book tip. I'll definitely look those up.
Susan--We have some pretty strong gusts and I do worry about the trees around my house sometimes, but we get a lot more rain than wind storms.
Thanks rest of you for stopping by!
Yay, fellow storm-watchers. We rarely get them here so it's a MAJOR treat to see lightening and experience thunder. The rain, though is an almost every day occurrence. I hardly even notice it.
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