OK, so I have watched Charmed reruns and I have eaten popcorn for dinner at least once. But I really have been very busy with catching up from one holiday and getting ready for the next one. I’ve finally gotten the tree up and decorated for Christmas.

I also am caught up with my quilt blocks for that block-of-the-month club, and thought I’d catch you up, too.
Month 5, Block 1--Old Favorite

Month 5, Block 2--Treasure Chest

Month 4, Block 1--Around the Corner

Now, I’ve gone backwards because I wanted to show this block last. For you puzzle lovers out there, see if you can figure out what is wrong with this block. You might be able to figure it out by comparing it to the others. It's called Crooked Path, but the path shouldn't be this crooked.
Month 4, Block 2--Crooked Path

Do you see a symmetrical pattern? Nope, me either. Know why? Because I screwed up. I guess I wasn’t paying attention when I put this block together. Here’s a close up of the culprit:

Those 2 triangles on the right are backwards. It should match the triangles opposite, with blue on the bottom and flowers on the top.
So, now I have some seam ripping to do. I’m trying to decide if I can just fudge it and only take out the seams around it, fix it, and sew again. I’m also thinking of leaving it in and seeing if anyone notices, but since I’m probably going to give this away, I really should at least make an effort to do it correctly.
But you know, the Amish make mistakes on purpose in their quilts so that they won’t be perfect because only God is perfect. So really, I have a moral obligation to leave errors in. Especially since my errors are organic and natural.
I’m also working on a wreath quilt that will be a wall hanging. Thought you might want to see what a block looks like before it’s sewn together. I’ve sewn the first row together, but you get the idea.

Well, that’s enough for today. What should I do tomorrow? What should I do this weekend? One can only eat so much popcorn.
Kell, your house looks so warm and homey and welcoming! I want to curl up by your fire and watch chick flicks with you while drinking Chardonnay until Al comes home.
I would just leave the quilt as-is. It's tiny imperfections (that most people would never notice) that give hand made things their character.
Oh, and I could watch reruns of Charmed too. I just turn the sound down. ;-)
Lisa--Sounds like a plan! I have a chardonnay in the fridge. You should come on over.
Jay--Ha ha. But if you turn the sound down you miss the witty banter.
Many, many cultures put flaws in their work...you have to leave it in there or risk been hit with a bolt of lightening.
your wreath is going to be so pretty...I so admire that you can do all this wonderful needlework.
Your home is beautiful. Every picture you ever share, it's just warm and inviting. And I'm sorry, I'm a dolt. I don't even see what is wrong with your quilt. It looks perfect to me. But I don't quilt, I just love to curl up under them.
I couldn't see anything wrong with the quilt, even after you pointed out the flaws. Leave it alone. If anyone notices, and is boorish enough to point it out to you, you can always fall back on the "Amish" excuse. Love the wreath quilt.
Susan--Well, I'd hate be struck by lightening!
Newt--Thanks. You're welcome to visit any time.
And my friend who is doing this monthly torture with me didn't notice the error either. Maybe I should just relax?
Mom--You'd be amazed how boorish those old quilters can be ;-)
Gadzooks! I never would have seen a darn thing wrong with that square. Why rip it out? It's gorgeous as-is.
Love the wreath too!
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