Monday, November 27, 2006

One for the Books?

Just a quick note to say hello and hope that everyone had a good week last week and a happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate it.

Exhausted is an understatement for how I’m feeling right now. This wasn’t exactly a Thanksgiving to remember because everyone caught the stomach flu, except me, so far. Jay had it on Wednesday, but we didn’t know it was a virus until Mom had it on Friday. Al had it on Sunday night into today. If the pattern sticks, I’ll come down with it Tuesday or Wednesday. But, so far, the flu shot I got on Monday last week seems to have kept me safe.

But just in case, I have wiped down every surface in this house with disinfectant wipes, sprayed anti-bacterial disinfectant into every nook and cranny, and washed all the sheets and towels in hot water. So, at least the house is clean for Christmas.

So, send “no flu for Kell” vibes, please!


Anonymous said...

It's too early in the season to get the flu. I hope your family recovers soon and you stay healthy.

Peggy said...

I hope you're still well Kell. That tummy bug doesn't sound pleasant.

Kell said...

JD--this bug has been going around since Halloween here. I'm amazed it's just now getting to us.

Peggy--so far so good!