Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Jobs 4 Girls

While Jay and Mom were up for Thanksgiving, Jay, Al, and I went to the Strategic Air and Space Museum. It's a wonderful museum, really well done with interesting exhibits and history.


You knew there would be a however, didn't you?

So, we're in the museum gift shop. Lots of great models, t-shirts, and gifts to commemorate military, planes, and the mission. But they didn't want to leave out the girls! So, in the midst of all this inspiring stuff, here's what girls can aspire to be:

A Flight Attendant!

Really? OK, historically, women couldn't participate in nuclear military missions, but a flight attendant? For the record, they didn't have flight attendants on any of those planes, either. Sheesh!

Update: A source for a different perspective of gifts for girls: Women Fly gear.

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