Thursday, January 24, 2008

Damn Cold Weather

These below freezing temperatures are playing havoc with my MS symptoms. It's supposed to warm up over the weekend, so that's good and I should be feeling much much better.

Until then, I'm going to get some rest and I'll be back when I'm not in such a depressed and whiney state.

BTW, you know how people talk about how intuitive their pets are and know when they're feeling bad and need comfort. Meet the dog who doesn't:

I actually took her for a short walk because she kept staring at me and sighing because she wanted to go for her morning walk. She has a fur coat so she doesn't care that it's -2. Then she brought the stuffed duck to me so we could play tug-a-duck. Oh well. She really has me trained well.


Peggy said...

Didn't you get a dog so that you'd force yourself to get out more? I agree that -2 is a bit nippy. Sorry your not at 100%. Spring will come again. I swear!

katy said...

hoping you get the warmer weather real soon, and how can you not adore that sweet little face!

Betty said...

Sorry you're not feeling good. But, you know about PBGV's - it's all about them. Princess Cosette isn't any different - but, oh, so cute.

Sparkling Red said...

Aw gee. Cozy up and feel better soon!

Rising Rainbow said...

YOu don't think the dog might be trying to make you feel better, huh?

Karen said...

I am so sorry you are feeling poopy. I also think Cosette might be trying get you to move around so you get out of your funk. I will just take some time for her to get used to your routine of funkiness.

Kell said...

Welcome Rising Rainbow--Just having her around does make me feel better, but she's not used to my bad days yet. She and I had a little talk before our walk that when we got back we would both need to take a nap. She happily complied.

fiwa said...

lol... my dog is that same way, she actually gets put out if I stay home sick, like I'm muscling in on her alone time or something.

I'm sorry to hear the weather is giving you pain. I hope it gets warm soon.

Take care of you -

Newt said...

"Meet the dog who doesn't" *snort* too funny. It is supposed to warm up isn't it??? Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

So she's got one teeny weenie little flaw...all the rest of her wonderfulness makes up for it!

Doc said...

YIKES - thats cold!!

R.E.H. said...

Sorry you're not feeling so good. Here's hoping warm weather arrives and washes away the pain soon enough!

Anonymous said...

I think Princess C knew you needed to get up and about and play with her to take your mind off how you are feeling. :) Those dogs are smart, you know!