I have lost all respect for a man whom 8 years ago, I thought about voting for. Even though my Daddy would have haunted me from his grave if I would ever dare vote Republican, I actually thought that if he won the Republican race, I might vote for McCain over Gore.
What happened to that man? How did he get replaced by this fear-mongering, hate-mongering old man who seems to have completely forgotten what it means to be an American? When did his ego overtake his senses? I realize this has been a long time coming. McCain actually finally lost my respect last year with the whole "safely walking down the street of Bagdad"
debacle that he tried to
back track on.
Yes, yes. McCain has had a poorly run campaign. But he picked that team and he goes along with whatever they want him to do. Obviously, his judgement is impaired.
His leadership skills leave a lot to be desired, too. McCain has led the GOP into producing
particularly vicious attacks this election. Guilt by (no) association--Ayers and Khalidi. Guilt by innuendo--ad to tie Obama to Iran. Fear mongering--Obama's view on immigration will lead to another 9/11. Questioning Obama's patriotism. Trying to
claim voter fraud, but not being able to name an instance. McCain backing up Joe the Plumber who agreed that "a vote for Obama is a vote for the "death of Israel" then the GOP put the phrase on a flyer. Robocalls! My God I can't even begin to list them all, so go
here to see.
But the worst, the very worst is a flyer sent out insinuating that Obama will bring on another holocaust. Go
here to see the flyer the GOP put out in Philadelphia.
Of course, it doens't stop with just Obama. We all know how
Michelle Bachmann questioned Obama's and other democrats' patriotism, calling for an investigation of their views. And now Elizabeth Dole has run
two TWO ads trying to link Hagen to a fundraiser that was not put on by the "Godless Americans" group.
I just can't stand it. I'm embarrassed for him. Do you think he really knows the hate he is spewing and that he is pandering to that low, dark, ugly place that many humans don't want to admit exists and that he is encouraging others to do so?
Let me put it in an analogy Senator McCain would understand. In the military, when someone screws up, he is reprimanded. Also held at fault is the squadron commander because it was on his watch and he is ultimately responsible for what happens. And if it's a really big screw up, the wing commander is also be held responsible and maybe even the base commander.
So, Senator McCain. All of this happened on your watch and you are ultimately responsible for the actions of your team and your organization. Will you take responsibility?